Wednesday 16 December 2015



Chris and I devised a questionaire to find out about what our audience may want and what they like about thrillers. I have analysed these questionaires down at the bottom of the blog.



From these questionaires I can see that I had some sarcastic feedback but even on those I still got valuable data from my audience. The majority of the people I asked were 16-24 so I now know my target audience. The questionaire also shows that everyone apart from one person like mystery thrillers which is good as our production is a mystery thriller. Our idea also got very positive feedback as all but one person thought it was either a 3 or a 4 for the rating of our idea. The majority of the improvements that we recieved were to make it longer or to add more storyline. This is something that Chris and I are going to think about when it comes to filming.

Recce Shots

Chris and I took some shots of the location before we started filming. We didnt do the filming at Manor Park as originally planned but we both feel that this location is better.  We both wanted a quiet location to film and although there is a road in the background there was no major disruptions because of it. Also this location very rarely has people using it so nobody interupted our filming.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


We both decided just to have plain titles to make the opening scene seem normal and not to have any fancy or horror titles as we both think we should maintain some normality in the opening sequence. We are both going to make up a production company for the sake of the titles aswell as the credits to both of us aswell. I have to say Chris made these titles but I helped with the design getting the images for him to use.

Post Production

Chris and I managed to get our filming completed within our set schedule on Wednesday 9th December. However there was a slight delay in filming in the fact that the camera ran out of battery so we had to go back into the school to charge up the camera. In total we go the filming done in just under two hours.

We will now begin editing on Monday 14th December and we also have to record my voice for when I read out the note.

We have now finished our editing. It did however have to stretch over to the Tuesday lesson on the 15th December however we feel we have produced a very good first draft.


Wednesday 9 December 2015


Main Task Idea




1. A walker discovers a dead body in a field with a crytic note on him. The walker reads the note and then the killer appears behind the walker. This is where it ends.

2. A mysterious man is walking down a dark path. He is holding a bag with something heavy inside.

Chosen Storyline

Chris and I have chosen idea 1. The title of this film would be "Just Another One". There will be three characters in our production. They will be the killer, the walker and the dead man. The cryptic note will be in the form of a mysterious poem. The poem will say:

My fun and games have just begun,
The man before you never saw the sun,
In the end he was just another one,
I wonder who will read your message when you're gone.

Full Story Line

A man is walking in a field when he suddenly gets drawn to a mysterious object. This object turns out to be a murdered man. The walker cautiously approaches the body. When the walker gets close he discovers that the man is dead. The walker notices a note wrapped in the dead man’s hand. The walker then takes the note and begins to read it. When the walker is finished reading it he turns around. This is where the movie ends with a loud and mysterious noise as the screen fades to black.



Killer - The killer will be wearing dark clothing and most likely something to cover up their face.
Walker -  The walker will be wearing just general normal clothing.
Dead man - The dead man will also be wearing normal clothing.


We are not going to use any props other than the note.


Other Peoples Work Analysis

Torn - A Grade (56 Marks)

I chose to evaluate some previous AS Media sudents work. This person's production was called Torn. This thriller got 56 marks which is an A at A Level so I decided that this would be good insight into the quality of Thriller that Chris and I would have to produce. This opening sequence did a good job of creating tension and this wa particularly done through the inserts that flash up really quickly.

The main characters costume was well suited I believe as it gave a sense of normality in the character as at first he seemed to be doing just normal day-to-day things. The use of a prop in the form of a newspaper also displays this normality.

The titles are also really well done as they are about the right size to read and also to not overbear what the character is doing. The font is really good aswell as it is just plain and this links in with the narrative as there is nothing unusally happening yet.

The Ring Of Trees - E Grade (25 marks)

I also chose to evaluate this piece as it got a low grade and this way a can compare a good piece in Torn and also compare a not so good piece. I felt that on this piece the titles are against a black background which doesn't look as good and it also prevents the sequence from starting and continuing. Also around 43 seconds there is a pan shot in which the camera is very shakey. The whole thing looks very amateur albeit they are however they could have still done better.


Tuesday 8 December 2015


Walker -  The walker will be wearing just general normal clothing most likely dark clothing.
Dead man - The dead man will also be wearing normal clothing most likely dark clothing.

Risk Assessment

Chris and I have chosen a location with very few risks. Both locations are outdoors and they have path. Both locations are quiet so there is little chance of us getting in the way of the public and of the public interuptting our filming. The only risk to the camera is water damage if it rains however if we don't film at Manor Park we should be sheltered from the rain. There is also the chance of leaves being slippy and the potential that we may slip over however I doubt that this would happen.



I will be playing the role of the walker who discovers the dead body.
And Chris will be playing the role of the dead person.

Filming Plan

Filming Plan

Filming Schedule

Chris and I have decided to carry out the filming of our project on Wednesday 09 December at 12 PM after our school day has finished. This is a good time for us too film as it gives us it gives us about 4 and a half hours of daylight to film.


We have both decided to film close by to where we live. At the end of the road where I live is a Manor Park. We have this location in mind to shoot our film.

Alternatively however we have another potential filming location closer to our school. We will use this location if it is raining as there is more shelter here so the camera won't get wet.




Tuesday 17 November 2015

Prelim Task

Preliminary Task

In this preliminary task I have been given the task of filming somebody walking through a door and then sitting down at a table then exchanging two bits of dialogue each. I have to include an action match a shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. The story behind this is that the person walking through the door is recieving results on whether he is insane or not. The person sitting down is a doctor giving out the results.


Patient - Me
Doctor - Guy
-Hello, how are after your little….episode
-I’m fine I don’t know what really happened that night
-It’s okay that’s why you’re here, to help yourself
-To help myself?!? I don’t need help I’m not insane!!!!!
-Actually you are (hands sheet)




Me and Guy did filming over the course of an hour and a half. We managed to film everything ourselves with the use of a tripod. We only used the tripod in one scene where there is a pan from me to Guy. 


Guy and I edited out prelim task video on Adobe Premier Pro. This is a piece of video editing software which me and Guy have had previous experience with. Allbeit experience we have not much experience with Premier Pro however it is a very simple program to use so we were able to get editing straight after filming. We managed to finish editing in a little under 2 hours. We downloaded some free source music to have at the end of our clip. Unfortunately a I cannot include this sound into my blog. Other than that we left all the ambient sound in aswell as dialogue. Our filming was not perfect so we had to cut some clips down but the final product obeys the 180 ° rule and we have made sure that it follows continuinity. 


I believe that Guy and myself have been able to create a good short fil for our prelim task. In creating this we have both been able to learn certain ways of filming to get the best shots and also we have work well as a team. We have both had good creative ideas and they ultimately helped to make our film as good and as quickly as we could. We both did the editing so we both have gained experience in that field. In terms of the actual film, I think that when I come to do the final task I would be able to make a better production because of the learning I have done with this task. I would also have a lot more time in which I can create the production.

Thriller Examples

Opening Sequence Examples

The first two minutes of a thriller film are vital to setting the scene and to also introduce the characters to the audience. The first couple of minetes are used as hooks to immedietley get the audience immersed and intrigued in the mystery of the story line. The shots used are obscure as they keep the viewer distanced from the main storyline. This helps to make the viewer question certain things and to keep them in suspense. An example of this is in Shutter Island (2010) where montage editing helps to create questions as to why the images are important. The camera shots are also used to create a tense atmosphere and to establish roles such as a low angle for a higher authority figure and a high angle for a lower authority figure. In the Usual Supects (1995) a medium closeup of an obscured face to show an enigmatic character. Location and mise-en-scene are shown through wide angle shots. Tracking and panning shots help to set the scene and location. This is especially done in Donnie Darko (2001). There is very little character development in thriller opening sequences to keep the viewer guessing. There is also generally tension building music or music on loop which helps to build tension.

Lost Highway

Sound: There is little dialogue with only one line being spoken by the voice in the speaker. This creates intrigue for the viewers. This will keep them intrigued with the film and want to continue watching to find out who the men are and what the words really mean. Non diegetic music is used which is loud and eerie which creates a lot of suspense and tension for the scene ascending in crescendo as it the scene went on.

Camera - Long take moving around the flat, creates tension as no cuts to relieve the tension extreme close up to buzzer, pause while waiting for him to press the buzzer and hear the other man talk which makes it tense as we wait with anticipation for the buzzer to be pressed.
Lighting - dark and shows the shadows really well and the light of the cigarette creates a sinister feel to main character.
Titles - Patricia Arquette, Balthazar Getty, Lost Highway, Robert Blake, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Richard Pryor, Lucy Butler, Michael Masse, Jack Nance, Jack Kelher, Henry Rollins, Giovanni Ribisi, Scott Coffey, Gary Busey, And Robert Loggia, Casting by Johanna Ray C.S.A and Elaine J. Huzzar, Music By Angelo Badalamenti, Editor Mary Sweeney, Patricia Norris.
Titles Analysis - All through the titles there is the graphic of headlights illuminating a highway. Every once in a while the name appears as if its coming down the road towards the camera/car. Once the titles have reached the screen they stay there for a couple of seconds. When the titles leave the screen they zoom right into the camera/car and go away. At certain points during the titles the camera starts to go shaky which shows that the road has become bumpy.

The Bourne Ultimatum

Camera - Shakey camera footage (handheld) creates tension as the Police are chasing Bourne. There are also a lot of quick shots that shows that Bourne is desperate to get away. There is a closeup of Bourne when he is patching himself up which shows the pain on his face Bourne then seems to have flashbacks where the camera repeadetley draws closer to his face after each flashback.
Sound - Police sirens show that the Police are coming after Bourne. There is also non-diegetic sound in the form of tense music.
Lighting - When Bourne is in the medical facility there is a lot of dark lighting and this helps too create suspense.
Titles - There were no titles in this opening sequence.

Jurassic Park

Camera - There is continued close ups of the bushes ruffling and the Park workers faces. There is a long takeof box that the forklift truck is moving. This puts epmphasis on the box and it keeps the viewer guessing as to what could be in the box. There is a low angle shot of some workers next to the box. There is the use of lots of fast paced pans when the workers are attempting to shock the creature. There is finally an extreme closeup off the leaders mouth as he says shoot her.
Sound - There is the diegetic sound of nocturnal jungle creatures. There is then some non-diegetic sound in the form of music which builds tension when the gatekeeper is screaming. 
Lighting - This scene is set at night and there are very bright lights which illuminate the surrounding area.
Titles - Universal Pictures Presents, An Amblin Entertainment Production, Jurassic Park.

Casino Royale

Camera - Low angle shot of the man getting out of the car. There is also a low angle shot of the lift. There is a close up of the man in the lift looking up at the floor counter. There is a quick two shot of Bond and the villain as the villain sits down. Then there is the closeup of the villain opening a drawer which has a gun inside. There is a flashback of an action scene where Bond is fighting somebody. This includes a lot of fast paced action shots.
Sound - There is the use of tense music when the man realizes that someone is behind him. At the flashback, there is non-diegetic music of which is almost like brass music. When the villain pulls the gun on Bond there is some quieter more tense music which helps to build suspense. After the villain tries to fire his empty gun at Bond the villain asks how his contact died. This then reverts back to the fight scene. This also brings back the fast paced brass music.
Lighting - This scene is in black and white but you can still tell that there is the use of dark lighting to create more tension and suspense, However in the Villains office there is one bright spotlight that is pointed straight in Bonds face. This helps to portray his emotion, or lack of it.
Titles - There are no titles in this sequence.

The Dark Knight Rises

Titles - A Warner Bros Pictures Productions, In assosiation with Legendary Pictures, A DC Comics production, a Syncopy Production, A film by Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Rises, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Coltillard, Morgan Freeman, Based upon Batman Characters created by Bob Kane, Screenplay by Johnathan Nolan Christopher Nolan, Story by Christopher Nolan David S. Goyer, Executive Producers Benjamin Melinker Michael E. Uslan Kevin De La Noy Thomas Tull, Directed by Christopher Nolan.
Titles Analysis - All the way through the titles the lighting is black. There is the use of smoke and water effects to create tension. There are also lots of quick shots that show the titles from different angles. There is also the use of ice in the titles that is used to the same effect as the smoke and water as the bat man symbol emerges from the ice. There is also a breif glimpse of fire. In these opening titles it is clear to see that natural elements are being used to create tension and to try to build up to something after the titles. There is the use of loads of photos in this some of which are of the actors whose name comes up. There is then an image of a paper bat symbol beign blown away by wind which is sticking with natural forces. There is the is use of newspapers all throughout this title sequence which most notably says Gotham on it. These titles create a tense atomosphere and it keeps you wondering who is the man with the scalpal. The best effect in these titles is the fast moving camera as this creates mystery and it makes it look like it is a manic scene.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Thriller Conventions


What is a thriller?

A thriller is a novel or film with an exciting plot which most commonly involves crime or espionage. 

What is the aim of the opening titles?  

The opening titles are usually used as narrative enigmas which helps to create tension before getting into the main story.

Characters in a thriller

The protagonist in a thriller is most usually a brave male who is fighting against an oppressive antagonist.
The antagonist in a thriller normally has a hidden or mysterious identity. As the film or novel progresses the antagonist's identity is usually identified by the audience.

Thriller Examples

There are many different types of thrillers. These sub-categories of this genre are: Conspiracy thrillers, Crime thrillers, Disaster thrillers, and supernatural thrillers. In conspiracy thrillers the protagonist usually confronts a large group of enemies which only the protagonist knows the true extent of how bad they are. Examples of a this sub genre is are Awake (2007), and Edge Of Darkness (2010). In crime thrillers there is usually a story of either failed or successful crimes in which the protagonist is usually the police. Examples of theses would be Reservoir Dogs (1997) and Firewall (2006). In a disaster thriller the main conflict occurs during an world wide disaster either natural or man made. Examples of these would be 2012 (2009) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004). In a supernatural thriller the antagonist or protagonist possess superpowers. Examples of these are Signs (2002) and Unbreakable (2000).