Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Monday, 8 February 2016
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel that I have learnt a lot since my preliminary task. Back
when I did the preliminary task I had very basic camera and editing
skills but with me having more time to create this final production I
feel that I have managed to better these skills. This is because I had to do quite a lot of camera shots myself and I was learning how to better position and utilize the lighting to get the best shots. I also learned to be better at editing by learning as I edited. This way I was able to learn at my own pace and I had better opportunities of using different effects and getting the timing right of the clips. I have also learnt firsthand that it is still better to use a tripod than not use a tripod. This is even particular with when I am walking and holding the camera as in my preliminary task when I was doing POV shots whilst walking the camera was far too shakey. However in The Enigma when I did this by also using the tripod and holding the tripod whilst I was walking the camera was much more steadier. I have learnt how to
use the camera more effectively to get the best shots and I have also
learned how too get the best out of the editing software. Also back in
my preliminary task I feel that my acting wasn't the best so I tried to
improve this for my final production.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I think that I have learnt a lot about the technologies involved
in creating a film. Because this was my first time in ever undertaking
something like this I had a lot to learn. The first thing that I had to
learn was to find the best way to use the camera. We used a Nikon D3100 camera which was the best camera we had available and it was fairly easy to use. The only problem was that it had a short battery life and we had to go charge it up whilst we were in the middle of filming. I believe that we
managed to get some good shots in our opening sequence by using the
camera effectively. We also used a tripod to keep the camera more steady
as well to get higher quality shots. We also tried to use the lighting in filming so we could create the right atmosphere.
also had to get to grips with the editing software as well. I have had
previous experience with the editing software which was Adobe Premier
Pro CC, but I only had minimal experience with it during my preliminary
task. My previous experience was good enough for me to create and edit a
basic production but I believe that learning more about what the
editing software can do I believe that I have created a much better
opening sequence.

How did you attract/address your audience?
How did you attract/address your audience?
I believe that we have mainly tried to attract our audience by taking on their feedback on how we could improve our production. This means that we have basically tailored our production to our audience. This should be the main way of attracting an audience as it is what they want to see. However by doing this we did not make major changes it was just to make subtle little changes that our audience wanted to see.Who would the audience be for your media product?
Who would the audience be for your media product?
I believe that the audience for my media product would still be young adults. This is because when we originally did our questionnaires that was the age group that came up the most. Also the feedback we have received has been from people within this age group and we took this feedback on board and made changes from it. This then means that we have tailored our production to this age group. So therefore I believe that this age group is going to be the main audience for our production. However the 'young adults' we tailored our production to were students between 16 and 17 years old. Guy and David who took gave us a lot of feedback are both middle class white males. We gained said feedback before we mad our first draft and also after each edit we made.Questionairres - https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2345810471183586416#editor/target=post;postID=3528974296656603480;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=19;src=postname
What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?
What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?
Realistically I would be looking at a low key British Distribution company that specializes in low budget films. I have looked into this matter and I have found 3 potential distribution companies however some are more suitable than others.Dogwoof
Suitability Rating (1-5, 1 = Awful 5 = Brilliant) - 2
Guerrilla Films
Suitability Rating - 3
Verve Pictures
Verve Pictures specialize in the release of independent film productions to cinemas and on DVD. Over 75% of their releases are from first time feature directors. Also Verve Pictures' subsidiary Drakes Avenue distributes acquired titles, mainly documentaries as well as having affiliations with other distribution companieshttp://www.vivaverve.com/
Suitability Rating - 3
I think that either Verve Pictures or Guerrilla Films are the most suitable distribution companies.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Both Chris and I are involved in the production there is one social group represented. This social group is youth. I think that the mystery we have included in our production shows that youth can be mysterious and dangerous. The piano music in the background helps to create this mysterious feeling. However although only one Social Group is being represented here I beleive we can reach a wider audience. This is because our production would be for teenagers and above. Therefore everybody who would watch our production would have been or still is a teenager and they would be able to relate to this social group.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Monday, 1 February 2016
Final Edit - Audience Feedback
Audience Feedback
Chris and I once again asked David and Guy to gain feedback from our audience. They both liked the new sound effects that we added in aswell as the changes in the titles. Guy said that the new titles look less boring and plain thatn the ones that we previously had. Guy also noted that the sound effects add a new contrast to the opening sequence as before it was just the music. David also noted the fact that we have changed a lot from our first draft and that we have really improved our piece.
Sound Effects - Paper
This is the sound effect that we used in our production
Sound effects - Leaves
This is the leaves sound effects that we used in our production
Background Music
This is the Music that we have used in the background of our Production.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Final Edit - Evaluation
Final Edit - Evaluation
Chris and I have now completed our final edit. We took on the feedback from our second draft to try to make our opening sequence better. We did try to make the titles more visible but it is hard to do because of the lighting from filming. We also both feel that the lighting suits our production so its not something that we want to change. We have however moved the Gilchrist Films title slightly so it is more visible onto the background. We have also added some leaf sound effects for when I am walking along because we felt that previously the sound was too focused on the music and you can't hear any diegetic/ambient sound. We have also managed to get the leaf sound effects to sync in with my footsteps aswell as having the sound effects fading in and out depending on which direction I am going in accordance to the camera. We have also used some new titles with a different font. These titles now have different names other than just mine and Chris'. We have also added some new roles in the title sequence that we didn't previously have.Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Second Draft - Audience Feedback
Chris and I gathered feedback on our second draft so that we can see if and how we could improve our opening sequence. We again asked our peers David and Guy to see if they like what we have improved aswell as gaining ideas on how to make our production better. Both David and Guy liked what we have improved based upon their previous feedback. This was in the form of the film titles at the end of the sequence. This is only a slight tweak to our first draft however it does have an effect as the sequence ends. David and Guy also liked the sound that we have used to accompany the end titles. This aswell helps to create a tense atmosphere as the sequence ends but it also fits perfectly with the end titles. This also is only a minor change but it still creates a big effect on the end of the opening sequence. They also liked how we make the piano music fade away at the end just before the new titles appear. Guy said "The way the music fades away at the end leads you to think that its just going to end there. But then the two titles appear with the loud noise. It kind of sends you into a false sense of security and it keeps the viewer on edge."
We have however also come away with a change that we can make for a third or final draft. This is for us to change the Production Company logos positioning and/or the colours of them. This is because at certain points it can be hard to read what the titles actually say. The screeenshot below is evident to this as the grey part of the films partially blends in with the background and it is hard to read it at first glance.
Second Draft
We have now created our second draft. We have improved this based upon the audience feedback from the first draft. Here are the changes we have made in our new draft.
We have now added in two more title screens at the end of our draft as this was requested from our audience. We have included this instead of the film just simply fading to black. This is something that we should have perhaps included right from the off but it is good know that we have included this. Over the top of these titles we have also added some lound noises for when they appear to add more effect and emphasis on the title. Also just before the end the music we have included gets quieter to add more of an eerie effect as I am reading out the note.
Film Titles - First Draft Feedback
Given the feedback we got from our first draft Chris has created two new title screens that we can use.
First Draft - Audience Feedback
Chris and I both decided to get audience feedback on our first draft to see how we could improve it for a second draft. We both have ideas ourselves on what we could improve but we also want to see what our audience would want to have improved because ultimately they are who the film is being made for so it should be what they want it to be.
Chris and I have both gathered feedback on our first draft. We gained feedback from two of our peers David and Guy. They both found our production to be good and they both liked it. However they still had some things that we could change to make our production better. Guy said that he would like to see a title screen for the film which is something we don't actually have yet but we will look to make that and include it.
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